"Do not wait for the last Judgment. It takes place every day"

My Thoughts:
This particular quote reminds me of 20-80 Rule. Let me explain you the 20-80 Rule (read more), the rule states that “For many events, 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes”. This rule was given by Vilfredo Pareto when he saw that 80% of income in Italy went to 20% of the population.

By this time, you would be wondering how do I relate the above quote to the 20-80 Rule? Let me explain, in my college, the students were normally given a preparatory leave of few days around 30 days. But most of us used to start the actual preparations only 5 to 6 days prior to the exam. Again the 20-80 Rule, i.e. 80 percent of marks that we scored were the result of 20 percent to total preparatory time.

This applies not only to exam preparations but lots of other scenarios in life. We see that people start preparing for something only if that is urgent. We start cleaning our rooms only when some near one is coming to our home or only when we receive an ultimatum form Mom. Same at work, we start fixing things only when we know that the Audit is going to take place this week. We could have done this well in advance….we had all the time in this world but we tend to wait for the “Last Judgement”. Only if we understand that the Last Judgement takes every day, I think that the 20-80 Rule would prove wrong.

As it is said, rules are meant to be broken. I am doing my best at breaking the 20-80 rule….what say you….?

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