Quote & Thought for the Day -- Saturday, 13 Sept '08

“Accept your genius and say what you think”
My Thoughts:
There is an old Joke, rather a story in which two weavers were presented in front of a king. They said to the king that they are not ordinary weavers. They are weaving a cloth which cannot be seen by a fool. And they present the cloth to the king. When the king tries to look at it, he cannot see the cloth. But the king doesn’t say this because he doesn’t want himself to be called as a fool.

The king asks his ministers about the cloth, none of them can see it but they don’t tell this only because they don’t want themselves to be called as fools. Soon the news of this special cloth spreads across the whole kingdom. The king announces that he would wear a dress made from this cloth and appear in front of his kingdom.

The day came, everyone gathered to see the special dress. The king appeared in front of the crowd. But nobody could see the dress. Even though nobody could see the dress, they did not say this they feared to be called as fools. But suddenly there was a voice from the crowd, it was a small boy. He was asking why the king was standing naked.

Yes, you guessed this right…the weavers had fooled the King. The Moral of the story is – say whatever comes in your mind and accept what you are.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Friday, 12 Sept '08

 “I would not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum”
My Thoughts:
This one is again a quote on attitude. All my life I can complain about what’s lacing, what I can not do, what all I hindering me and so on.

There is certainly a lot of friction in this world. And you could stay stagnant all your life with this friction. Or you can change your attitude and turn all the negatives in your favor. It’s all up to you, to change your thoughts and gain momentum in life.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Thursday, 11 Sept '08

“Labor disgraces no man; unfortunately, you occasionally find men who disgrace labor”

My Thoughts:
I usually see that people look upon people like Housekeeping personnel, sweepers, janitors and people like them with disgrace. They think that they are doing a job which is disgraceful. But the reality is that if they would have not been doing that job, imagine what would have happed. You might had to do all that stuff by yourself.

As Saint Kabir Das says “what a Sword can do a needle cannot and what a needle can do a sword cannot.” So a Labor, whatever it may be, is certainly not a disgraceful thing. And at the same time, people who don’t do Justice with their job, they are the one who disgrace their labor.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Wednesday, 10 Sept '08

“You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses”
 My Thoughts:
You must have observed that I have been saying this over and over again that attitude is everything. You change your attitude, you change your world, and you change your life.

The above quote also says the same. You can be happy when you see that there are a lot of goods things in the world. But however you can also be sad and depressed about the all the negative things in this world. This is entirely your choice; you can choose to be happy or can complain about everything you want.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Tuesday, 9 Sept '08

“Every exit is an entry somewhere.”
My Thoughts:
I leave my home and enter the outside world. I step into my office and I exit the outside world. You see, whenever I exit somewhere, I am also entering somewhere.

However, the essence of the above quote is not about some physical entry or exit. Its emphasis is more on your entry and exits from the various events in your life.

You may apparently see an end to an event in life say end of a job or a relationship. But that is also an entry to a new event in your life. It’s a new beginning that’s probably going to change your life.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Monday, 8 Sept '08
 “Don't be afraid to take a big step. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps”

My thoughts:
Great acts involve great deeds. If you want to do something great, you have to act like a great man. Like all Great men, you would have to take tough decisions, do something which never was done before and do something big.

So if you are afraid to take a big step, you cannot cross this barrier…the only barrier between you and your great acts. And as it is said, great acts make a Great man.

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Quote & Thought for the Day -- Sunday, 7 Sept '08

"Adversity cause some men to break; others to break records."
My Thoughts:
Recently we saw the Olympics. It was an entertaining event. Lots of people, players and spectators and Lots of challenges too.

The competition was tough, the targets were big, the stakes were high. That was really an adverse state of affair. But people like Michael Phelps broke the record. It was only due to his hard work and great skills. These are the times where your skills are tested, err. you are tested. Hardships are only tests which are taken so that you could be promoted to the next class.