Quote & Thought for the Day -- Saturday, 17 Jan '09

“Ever tried? Ever failed? No Matter, try again, fail again, fail better.”
My Thoughts:
We all fear from failure, that’s human tendency. But then as it is said, success is ahead of fear.

So try till you succeed. But if you fail, then fail better. And how do you fail better? Learn from your failures.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Friday, 16 Jan '09

“If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.”
My Thoughts:
You always have thought that some day or the other I would get the opportunity - I would be promoted to designation or one day I would tell her how much I loved her.

But then you never get that opportunity. So what do you do? Wait & watch? Certainly not; you have to do your part so that one day opportunity knocks your door.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Thursday, 15 Jan '09

"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation."
My Thoughts:
There are lots of thoughts that are striking as I type this post. But you know what…..this quote is worth giving a try than to just keep reading it.

I would try till I come up with something innovative or maybe something that’s my own. And if I would fail, I would be happy because I didn’t copy someone.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Wednesday, 14 Jan '09

“The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge.”
My Thoughts:
Many a times we are trying to solve something or are in search of something and we don’t succeed. Is that because of our ignorance?

May be, but most of the times we think we are smart and assume a lot of stuff and ignore the vital details. That is what the illusion of knowledge is. You thing you know, but that is all illusion.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Tuesday, 13 Jan '09

“We don't always get to choose who we are. Sometimes, our destiny leads us to places that we don't want to go, and there's nothing we can do about it”
My Thoughts:
It’s all already written in your destiny; that is what I believe. You would find yourself, many a times, in such a situation where you would ask yourself – what am I doing here or why am I doing this

But the reality is that you are doing something or are at some place only because it’s your destiny and you can hardly do anything about it. All that is in your hand is that give your best.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Monday, 12 Jan '09

“Beat me with truth, don’t torture me with lies”
My Thoughts:
It is often stated that truth is painful. Yes it is, but you cannot runaway from it. But once you tell the truth, you are relieved of the burden and so is the receiving end.

Those who prefer to hide truth with lies; they are torturing themselves and others. They cannot concentrate on the future as they have to keep hiding the truth.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Sunday, 11 Jan '09

“I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.”
My Thoughts:
Just Enjoy the Quote!