Quote & Thought for the Day -- Saturday, 27 Sept '08

“Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends.”
--Czech Proverb

My Thoughts:
A fence can protect you from thieves, etc. A fence can’t protect you from loneliness, nor can it share your happiness….worries.

What else could I say; each one of us understands this best in our own way.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Friday, 26 Sept '08

“He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.”

--Chinese Proverb

My Thoughts:
We are always shy to ask. We think that if we would ask, then others might take us as fools or ignorant people.

The fact is there is nothing wrong in asking. We are all born with almost no knowledge. We can learn a lot by asking. If we don’t ask, we would be as ignorant as we were before. So don’t be shy to ask.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Thursday, 25 Sept '08

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

--Chinese Proverb

My Thoughts:
This proverb from the sea of Chinese wisdom tells you one simple thing – if you want to help someone, the best help is not to give away something, but to teach the person how to be self-sufficient.

No help is better than that where you make a person stand on his own feet and be independent of others.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Wednesday, 24 Sept '08

“Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.”
--Chinese Proverb

My Thoughts:
Most of us have the tendency, rather I must say habit, of getting nervous and worried when we a progressing slowly. May it be at work, studies, sports or any other thing.

But the thought that you are progressing will take away your worry. The fact is you are trying, and you have not given up. You should be always afraid of being stand still…and not by slow progressing.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Tuesday, 23 Sept '08

“Seize opportunity by the beard, for it is bald behind.”
--Bulgarian Proverb

My Thoughts:
It had happened to me quiet a few times when I had the opportunity but I didn’t act. Then all I had to do was…regret…!

This proverb says that you should move ahead and catch hold of the opportunity. If you don’t do that, then you may not be able to catch hold and it would slip out of your hand as it is bald from behind…!
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Monday, 22 Sept '08

“Examine what is said, not him who speaks.”
--Arab Proverb

My Thoughts:
I have see at many occasions that people act differently when different people say the same thing.

They tend to get biased and influenced by the person. This proverb of wisdom sets the basic rule of human behavior that one should not look at the person who saying, rather we should hear what he is saying.
Quote & Thought for the Day -- Sunday, 21 Sept '08

"Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit."

My Thoughts:
A tree which is giving a fruit or is blossoming is said to be at the peak of its achievement. Similarly, as the scholars say, a person who is in love or is loved by someone is at the peak of his achievement in life.

Is this not a great achievement that someone is loving you….?